The overall objective of EmbeddedAI is to establish an international Master of Science program in the field of embedded Artificial Intelligence with key specialization in embedded systems and a strong emphasis on industrial involvement, which includes application domains for agriculture, healthcare, telecommunication, and manufacturing. It includes establishing a corresponding curriculum with well-defined rules for admission, evaluation, teaching methodologies, certification awarding and accreditation. EmbeddedAI is designed to equip Nigerian students with the latest digital trends, improving employability and entrepreneurship. Also, EmbeddedAI will help Nigerian HEs engage with various EU HEs and cultural backgrounds to promote globalization and technology growth based on their preferences and expectations.
EmbeddedAI addresses unemployment and boosts international collaboration for the Nigerian university with EU partner institutions University of Siegen (USI), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU). In addition, EmbeddedAI aims to use AI and related technologies as an opportunity to create and reinforce diversity. The key to this will be to facilitate and promote the skills development of diverse people, and make concerted efforts to level the playing field for women and other minorities in the industry.